Getting started as a worker

How to get started as a worker on Effect Network is easy. All you need is a browser with an internet connection. You will also need an EOS account or BSC account. These are needed in order to sign the transactions that are required to use the dApp. You can create an EOS account here and a BSC account here.

After you’ve created an EOS or BSC account, the next thing to do in order to begin completing tasks on the platform is to complete some qualifiers. Qualifiers are a screening mechanism utilized by requesters (the entities that place tasks on the platform) to ensure that only qualified workers are accessing their tasks. By completing a qualifier test, you are demonstrating to the requester your skills for the particular task. If you have the correct skill set for the task, you’ll be given a qualification by that requester. That earned qualification will allow you to access the task. Alternatively, a requester can grant you a qualification that blocks access to the task if you don’t do well enough on the qualifier test, or, for example, if while completing tasks your submitted work results are not satisfactory.

Pro tip: Complete as many qualifiers as you see available on the platform. When completing a qualifier, make sure you are in a quiet place, with a clear head, and are able to focus without distraction. The requester may or may not allow for retakes.

Getting familiar with your worker account

Clicking on the person icon will take you to your Effect Account page. This page shows your EFX balance, your account information, and the qualifications that have been awarded to you by requesters. This is also the page where you can access information, like this guide.

How to get help or connect with workers and requesters

The Effect Network maintains a Discord server,, where you can connect with other workers, chat with requesters, and more. The Discord server is also is home to the EffectDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization that grows the Effect Network.

What makes Effect Force special?

Effect Force is decentralized. This means that anyone, no matter their location on the globe, can join and complete tasks. It’s open to anyone to post tasks as well. Traditionally, microtasking platforms are centralized, meaning they prohibit access to people in certain countries, varying demographics, or are just closed to the public. Centralized platforms give workers very little say in how the platform is run and how workers are treated, and there is little transparency. With Effect Force being decentralized, the work is transparent and visible on the blockchain. Workers have the power to make changes to the platform by joining the EffectDAO. Effect Force encourages workers and requesters to directly interact with each other, which is in stark contrast to other centralized platforms.