Worker FAQs

There are tons of questions that are asked about the Effect Network worker system. This page will try to answer some of the most common questions.

What is a worker?

A worker is a person who completes microtasks on the blockchain using their EOS or BSC account through Effect Force.

How do I become a worker?

To become a worker you will create an account on the Effect Network

What is Effect Force?

Effect Force is the microtasking platform of Effect Network. You can work from anywhere, at any time, from any device. All you need is a blockchain wallet and an Effect Account to get started. Traditionally, microtasking platforms are centralized, meaning there are barriers like geographic location exclusions or these internal platforms are run by intermediaries. The benefits of a decentralized platform, like Effect Force, are numerous, but to highlight just a few:

  • Your geographic location doesn’t prevent you from accessing tasks
  • Anyone can create tasks on the platform
  • Tasks are instantly paid in cryptocurrency
  • All transactions are transparent and immutable

How do I create a Worker account on Effect Force?

The first thing you will need to do is head over to

. You’ll next click on ‘Join the workforce’.

After that, you’ll be instructed to connect your blockchain wallet. Currently, you can connect with an EOS wallet or a BSC wallet. For more information on creating a blockchain wallet, see the article titled Blockchain Wallets. Once you have connected your blockchain wallet, your Effect Account is automatically created and you’ll see your account dashboard.

Where can I view my account information?

You can view your account information on the profile page, located at

Working on Tasks

How do I find tasks to work on?

Once you’re logged into, you will see a task list. Tasks are separated between All Tasks, Joinable, Unjoinable, and Qualifiers. All Tasks shows all tasks that are on the platform at that moment. Joinable shows all the tasks that you are qualified for. Unjoinable shows tasks that you don’t have a qualification for. Qualifiers shows all the qualifier tests that are available for you to take. The tasks listed on the platform are updated in real-time, so if you don’t see something listed, the batch of tasks has been completed already. When you have already completed a qualifier test, it will still show on the Qualifiers tab, but it will be grayed out. On the Unjoinable tab, if you’ve already completed something, it will show in the list, but be grayed out. If there is a task that you are not qualified for, it will show in the Unjoinable tab, where you can view it to see what qualifications it requires and links (if applicable) to take a qualification test.

Who creates the tasks?

With Effect Force being a decentralized microtasking platform, anyone at any time can create tasks. When active tasks are displayed on the platform, the publisher of those tasks is listed under the ‘Requester’ column. If you click on the requester’s name, you’ll be taken to their profile page. This page shows the list of campaigns they have on the platform.

How do tasks get approved?

Tasks can be approved automatically by the platform or manually by the requester. There is a mechanism on the platform that will automatically approve tasks after a certain amount of time. This ensures that if a requester fails to manually approve a task, it will still get approved, so a worker is not stuck in limbo waiting for their work to be approved and subsequently paid to their account.

How much time do I have to work on a task?

Each task has it’s own requirements, so please be sure to read the instructions of the task.

Is there a limit to how many tasks I can do?

Platform-wide, there is no limit to the number of tasks you can complete. The only restriction on tasks is qualifications, which are set by the requester who posts the task.

My work was rejected, what can I do?

Currently, the only option is to reach out to the Effect Network Discord Server. This server is your place to connect with other workers, requesters, and the EffectDAO, who help manage the Effect Network in tandem with the team at Effect.AI. Additionally, this server is the place for the most up-to-date information on tasks and notices (if any) a requester posts.

How do I report a broken task or a task that violates the Effect Force rules?

For immediate help, please go to the Effect Network Discord Server and open a support ticket. You can find the create-a-ticket channel under the Technical Support category. When you open a support ticket, it will only be viewable between you and the team at Effect.AI, so you can be assured it will be addressed privately and in a timely manner.

Getting Paid

How do I get paid?

When you complete a task on Effect Force, the EFX you earned for that task is held in escrow for a short period of time. Currently, it is set to three days, but that can be changed by DAO Guardians. Your earnings dashboard will show a countdown timer. After the time period is up, and if the requester hasn’t flagged the task for rejection, the task earnings will be released for you to claim and initiatee payout to your blockchain wallet.

What is EFX?

EFX is the cryptographic token that fuels the Effect Network. It offers developers and organizations a reliable option to build, monetize and power AI solutions. EFX can be earned or bought and can be used in a decentralized ecosystem of AI-related services.For more about the EFX token, please see the EFX Token page.

Do I have to pay taxes on my earnings?

As an independent contractor, you are responsible for tracking and reporting your earnings to your local goverment, if applicable. Please consult a professional advisor if you have questions related to reporting your earnings.

What if I lose access to my wallet address?

With Effect Network accounts being tied to individual wallet addresses, it is your responsibility to maintain control of the wallet that you log in with. We cannot help you recover access to your wallet.


What are qualifications?

Qualifications are requirements that are sometimes added to tasks. When a requester designs their task, they have the option to add requirements to their tasks. Most often, if a task requires a qualification, the requester has a qualifier test available for workers to attempt to earn the qualification.

How do I find qualifiers?

On the main task dashboard, there will be a tab titled, ‘Get Qualifications’. On that page it will show a list of qualifier tests available. When you complete a qualifier test, the data is submitted to the requester who designed that test. It is up to them to grade your test and approve/grant you the qualification. If you gain a qualification, it will show in your profile page.

What is a block/exclude qualification?

This is a qualification that prevents the worker from accessing the task if they have that specific qualification. It is assigned by a requester, and is generally used to prevent certain workers from accessing the task. Most often, it is due to the worker not providing accurate results for the task the requester published.

Can I re-take a qualifier test?

It is up to the requester who publishes the qualifier test to allow workers to re-take or not.

Blockchain Wallets

What wallets are supported?

Please see our guide on Blockchain Wallets for guidance on this.

Converting EFX to Fiat

Where can I convert EFX to my local currency?

You will need to use an exchange that is available to you in your country. Popular exchanges are Kraken, Binance, and Coinbase. Please look into these and choose one that supports your location.