dApp Ecosystem

The Effect Network dApp ecosystem is a collection of dApps that are built on top of the Effect Network. These dApps are built by the community and are open source. Anyone can contribute to the development of these dApps.

Open the Effect Network Ecosystem

Getting started

What is an Effect Network dApp?

An Effect Network dApp is a decentralized application that is built on top of the Effect Network. These dApps are built by the community and are open source. Anyone can contribute to the development of these dApps.

How do I use an Effect Network dApp?

To use an Effect Network dApp, you must have an EOS account or BSC account. These are needed in order to pay for the transactions that are required to use the dApp. You can create an EOS account here and a BSC account here.

And a wallet such as anchor or metamask in order to interact with the dApp. You can download anchor here and metamask here.

How do I create an Effect Network dApp?

A good way to get started with the Effect Network dApp ecosystem is to take a look at the developer documentation. This documentation will help you get started with the Effect Network and will help you build your own dApps.

Become a member

To become a member you will have to sign the consitution. This is a relatively easy thing to do on the dashboard.